International Holistic Spiritual Center




Rev Suzanne Champlin

Spiritual Teacher & Counselor

Interfaith Minister

Divine Healer

Reiki Master



Rev Dr Michael Milner, PhD

Spiritual Teacher & Counselor

Awakened-Life Coach

Interfaith Minister

Taoist Priest

Abbot for the Seraphic Order


300 Feather Tree Drive
Clearwater, FL 33765

(727) 686-3912

(727) 458-3208





Panache joins forces with Michael 

michael millner

 Michael and Panache

"Panache is grateful to Reverend Dr. Michael Milner for his boundless, loving support in helping to organize sessions in Clearwater in September. Dr. Milner's willingness to reach out to his far-reaching community and friends symbolizes the emerging consciousness of collaboration and love on our new earth.


'I feel as if I've reconnected with a brother and that we are simply carrying on from where we left off in the way we promised we would,' said Panache."  (October 2009, Newsletter)

I feel the same way! Panache is a great spiritual friend, and I feel that we have known each other for ages! His presence among us at this time brings me great joy. Our spirit of collaboration is indeed a sign of the dawning of Oneness on earth! - Michael   

Panache's October E-Newsletter
Wed, October 14, 2009 10:18:11 PM


Panache Desai <info@panachedesai.com>
View Card
To: bpmilner@yahoo.com  

Panache Desai
One Heart, One Love, One Energy, One Voice
October 2009 
 Support for Your Journey Inward
MN Gathering Slide Show
Welcome back  to our monthly e-newsletter, One Voice. To our newest readers - we are deeply honored that your
journey has brought you here, to Panache and his resourceful toolbox. 

One Voice supports the recognition of your light and the transformation of your consciousness.
It is our hope that it will restore, revitalize and renew your inherent connection to the Divine and spark the well spring of inner-knowing that has always resided deep within.

We encourage your feedback and ideas. Let us know what you think of our latest volume at panachedesai.com

For the Latest on the Florida Gathering...
Log on to Our Three New Bulletin Boards 
computer hands

We hope you've already signed up to join us in Orlando. If you're intrigued, but not quite ready to jump on board, log on to our newest resource. These three  interactive forums allow  you to Share your Excitement, Offer Help and  Ask for Assistance.

On the Share Your Excitement Board, read what others are saying about the Gathering. Or share your anticipation for what is about to transpire.
We hope all  this enthusiasm motivates you to join our community for what is surely to be one of Panache's most powerful ac-celebrations.

Sumo-Size Your Spirituality on a Rickshaw Ride to Ascension

"Oh my gosh. I can feel it. I'm ready to jump on a rickshaw ride under the full moon tonight to the Florida Gathering and sumo size  my spirituality.  Oh darn it's still three weeks away. Join forces in this event. Panache's gift will leave you with victorious vibrations!"
-Gail Soucy

It's hard not to get giddy with all Gail's enthusiasm!

Brandee Sweesy is much more of a Wooooo Hooooooo girl.

Can you feel it? This is going to be like nothing we have EVER experienced before! Santa Barbara felt like Christmas... this feels like all my favorite holidays wrapped up in one AMAZING package that I am not even able to comprehend!!! :)  

-Brandee Sweesy

Click Here to Share Your Excitement.

Help Offered
Panache wants you to know that the act of selfless service is why your soul has reincarnated at this time. Selfless acts should be a natural extension of your day-in and day-out activities.

In this spirit, many have called to offer their services throughout the gathering. We decided to formalize a space where you could assist one another. Are you willing to spread the word or post flyers for the Gathering? Do you have space for another passenger in your car? Do you have extra space where you are staying? Here is an opportunity to help members of your soul family manifest one of the most powerful energetic weekends of the year.

Click Here to read the requests that have been posted, or to offer assistance.

Help Needed
This bulletin board was created to assist you in finding any help you need as it relates to attending the Gathering. From ride sharing, to room sharing, to prayers and meditations manifesting the resources to get you to Orlando.
Click Here to put your desires out to your community and let's see how soul family gives back.

Three Bulletin Boards - three opportunities for you to share your voice. 

You'll never know the results unless you ask. So log on, sound off and post away.

It's a First!
See Who Is Coming

hands raised

We hope you are ready to join the fun and spend the weekend with Panache and others from across the country who are signing up to attend the Florida Gathering.

More than 150 are motivated to Change the World and have already decided to make the trip to Orlando.

Click Here to see if you recognize any of your  friends from other Panache events.

We hope that you too will be inspired by those who have decided to come and share their light.

Call JC at 239 649-7373 if you are ready to add your name or Click Here to register for the weekend.


to Live By

Be a bringer of the light. For your light can do more than illuminate your own path. Your light can be the light which truly lights the world.
-Neale Donald Walsch
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
But by the number of moments that take our breath away.

What's New
Join Panache on Facebook

Our community is growing into a global family. And as a family grows, it is important to connect in a more interactive way.
To keep abreast of what is going on in your lives and to give you insight into Panache's, he has joined the social network of Facebook.
Facebook is a free service that anyone can join. You can stay connected by "friending" him there. It's easy and fun.
Once you connect with Panache, you will read inspirational posts and thoughts about his days. He is posting photos from his travels and sharing insights about this journey. 
panache facebook 
Log on to Facebook and friend Panache today. We hope to share with all who are ready to join our community. If you are currently a member just search "Panache Desai" or Click Here.

Please Share
aura photo
Archived Issues of One Voice
Newsletter Now

We are so honored by your
positive response to our past issues of One Voice.

We've just completed a Newsletter Section on the Website and  uploaded previous issues.  You will find them in the ABOUT section.

We believe the material that Panache shares is timeless, therefore when you find yourself struggling on the path -
Sit back and reread back issues
by clicking here or on the photo above.


Chicago Techny TowersInsight from the Source
  • You are a brilliant light.
  • Right now, in this moment, you are perfect exactly as you are.
  • You possess amazingly unique skills, gifts and abilities that this world is hungry to experience.

There is a lot of shaking up still going on in our economy and it trickles down to everyone's lives. A feeling of unease permeates our being as global instability is flashed across your television screen each night at dinnertime. From the number of e-mails I receive, I know many are in the midst of upheaval in your relationships, with your family, and as it concerns your health and wellbeing.

The world may seem frightening and life may appear challenging, but everything is unfolding in divine order. You have not been singled out. God is providing a magnificent playing field for something greater to come through you. Like a flower preparing to bloom, you are being filled with divine light and inspiration so that you too may open to the miracles that are waiting to flow through you to all who come across your path.
Regardless of the I hate my life moments, the bad hair days, the I don't fit into my jeans weeks, and the there will never be enough money seasons, God sees you in your brilliant perfection. You were created in the Supreme Being's reflection. From my perspective, each one of you is breathtaking in your individuality, gifts, talents and abilities. It's time for you to reflect the love I see burning within you, to each person who comes into your life. 
Refocus your view of the world. Open your heart. Glory exists all around. Become a vehicle for whatever God wants to move through you.

Take this three day challenge. Let your heart and your voice carry a message of goodness and unconditional love to each person who comes into your presence. Celebrate everyone who crosses your path as a perfect reflection of God.  
  • After opening your eyes tomorrow morning and before your feet hit the ground, offer two simple words to God. Thank you. Let this quiet reflection be the foundation for you every interaction.
  • Catch your breath when you see you partner - as if you are seeing someone famous! Let them know they are beautiful/loved/appreciated/thoughtful/hardworking...(fill in the sentiment.)
  • Hug your children multiple times during the day, for no reason. Whisper in their ear that they are smart/clever/sweet/funnyhomeless man/talented/...(fill in the feeling!)
  • Call your mom or dad and tell him or her that you love them.
  • Make eye contact with strangers. See them as a reflection of that I AM PRESENCE. Connect authentically and smile form your heart.
  • As you watch the news, send blessings to each of the travesties you are witnessing.

In nine short months since taking office, President Barack Obama was named as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Not because of what he has accomplished, but because of his intent and the message he has shared for world peace.
Set your intention. What magnificent shifts can you create in this world? Get out of your head and away from your own challenges. Be a beacon of light for all those who come in and out of your life on a daily basis. Comfort others. Share kindness. Help those who are less fortunate. Validate those around you.
And to you... You've got that Boom Boom Pow and I'm honored that you're a part of my life!
The Florida Gathering
Get Out of Your Way and  
Allow Miracles to Manifest

For the first time since Panache received this gift of spiritual activation in 2003, he is called to gather those ready to be placed in direct alignment with this vibration so that they too may begin sharing with all who come into their presence.
"I'm not teaching a modality," says Panache "and I won't be cloning myself."  Through a series of activations, he will place attendees in direct vibrational alignment with the Divine.
This weekend is different from the sessions and accelerations Panache has conducted in the past and marks the beginning of what is to come for this work. The Gathering is an important milestone for those ready to step into their power as agents for transformation and begin to shift the world.

This is not about sharing like me.
If you are ready to awaken
to your own unique, divine expression
then this is a seminal weekend
for you.                             -Panache
On November 6, 7 and 8, Panache will shatter your beliefs about how you see your role in this awakening and illustrate how you may begin to share authentically. You will come to the deep and profound knowing of what every great being shared and all they could access. You too will begin the process of fulfilling your destiny.
"As an individual you are limited in your ability to affect change. Once you surrender and allow the Divine to flow through you, miracles begin to manifest in your life and the lives of others," explains Panache. The Florida Gathering is focused on giving you insight and time to integrate how to completely surrender and allow something greater to be done through you. It is about embracing your role as a vehicle.  
"I have never been more excited," shares Panache. "This Gathering is a foundation for me to begin transferring this consciousness.  And for those who know me best, it will be energizing, emotional, and empowering."
What You Can Expect
A full weekend of inspired programming, activations and activities. The format will be very different than Panache's typical accelerations. We will begin Friday evening at 7 pm. Saturday 8 to 10 pm. Sunday 8 to 7pm. 
Register Now
The Florida Hotel and Conference Center
1500 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL  32809.
Three-day attendance is mandatory. Click Here for full information on this weekend Ac-celebration. To Register, Click Here.
The Florida Gathering

You are Here to
Change the World
November 6, 7 & 8

The Florida Gathering has its own dedicated section on Panache's website.
Check it often as exciting, new details are released.

Click Here to Check Out the Florida Gathering Site

Click Here to Register for the Weekend

Click Here for Hotel Accommodations

Click Here to Meet Our Regional Coordinators

Click Here to Access the Bulletin Boards

Click Here to See Who is Coming

There is an Evolutionary Impulse in Every Cell of your Being... Wanting to Awaken... Wanting to be Shared... Wanting to Make a Difference.

Join Panache for this Miraculous Weekend and
Embrace Your Destiny
as a Vehicle for Transformation


Call or e-mail JC at
239 649-7373 or jc@panachedesai.com

Regional Coordinators Expand to Tallahassee
Meet Judee Pouncey...

We can't contain our excitement. Last month we introduced you to our Regional Coordinators for the Florida Gathering. This group of dedicated volunteers signed on to assist Panache, Jan and JC in whatever way necessary to support each of you in sharing so that we may attract all who are ready to join us for a weekend unlike any other.

Panache already sees the power of what will transpire as we come together in Orlando. He sees you gather in celebration and support of one another, in hard work and selfless service and to accelerate and ascend to heights unimagined thus far.

We are honored to add a new coordinator for the Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle region. Please meet and learn about Judee below:

St. Pete Wings
Judee Pouncey
Area of Coordination: Tallahassee and FL Panhandle
 While going through challenging times 25 years ago, Judee threw herself into her spiritual growth and learned from teachers such as Lou Tice, Wayne Dyer, Alan Cohen, Kelly Powers, Edwene Gaines, Neale Donald Walsch, James Redfield, and Abraham. She has continued on a path of spiritual evolvement and thanks to her friend, Mical, she discovered Panache. She attended her first session in April 2009. She was amazed at the loving energy she felt. It was something that stayed with her, so much so, that her spirit compelled her to go to another event in June. Something inside her resonates with his loving energy, wise teachings, and playful spirit. Now she is guided to let more and more people know about Panache and his service.

Meet Our Other Coordinators
We introduced you to our team last month. Each of our generous volunteers has an area of geographic coordination - so feel free to call on them if you have questions or need assistance - or as always JC and Jan love hearing from you too.

Please Click Here to read about our talented, enthusiastic coordinators and find out who is heading up your geographic locale.

We cannot achieve the vision shared through Panache unless we all do our part. So pick up the phone, e-mail, facebook, my space and twitter about this not-to-be-missed Weekend Acceleration.
Look for e-mails and communiques from these amazing lights. If you have questions, please call the individual(s) who are responsible for your geographic locale.

Memories from on the Road
Florida and California Travels

Panache joins forces with
Reverend Dr. Michael Milner 
michael millner
 Reverend Dr. Michael Milner and Panache

Panache is grateful to Reverend Dr. Michael Milner for his boundless, loving support in helping to organize sessions in Clearwater in September. Dr. Milner's willingness to reach out to his far-reaching community and friends symbolizes the emerging consciousness of collaboration and love on our new earth.
" I feel as if I've reconnected with a brother and that we are simply carrying on from where we left off in the way we promised we would," said Panache.   
A Weekend at Wings in St. Petersburg
 Wings Andi
Volunteer Suzie Griffith, Panache and Andi Schenbeck, Wings Bookstore
 It was a Boom Boom Pow weekend in St. Petersburg as more than 125 gathered to hear Panache's message of Creating Heaven on Earth. 
"It was an uplifting day and a half and as everyone experienced the energy we were pulsating in the pews of Unity Church," says Panache. Deep gratitude to Andi and her helpers at Wings Bookstore for sponsoring an event that has generated so much positive feedback. 
Bridging Heaven and Earth Television Show
in Santa Barbara, California
  Allen Silberhartz
Bridging Heaven and Earth Host Allen Silberhartz and Panache
 Panache just returned from Santa Barbara, California where he spent an exhilarating day in front of television cameras taping the Bridging Heaven and Earth show as a guest of host Allen Silberhartz. During his half hour interview, Panache had a frank and open conversation about how he views spirituality. Silberhartz, who is a dead ringer for Howard Stern, greatly enjoyed the interaction as Panache delighted in breaking many traditional boxes as it relates to one's relationship with spirituality.
Bridging has been produced since 1995. Panache was the featured guest for the 245th episode.  We will keep you updated on when the show will air. 
How Much Time Would You Spend
to Begin a Shift
that Can Change the World?

Do you have 2 Minutes?

St. Pete Wings

There is a transformative circle of light
waiting to be sparked.
One by one you may kindle its miraculous presence.
It is destined to spread and grow
and illuminate this globe.
The power to ignite this light
begins with you.

You have been waiting your whole life
to make a difference...
to make a contribution...
to come into the fullness
of who you have come here to be.
You are here to evolve.
You are here to be empowered.
Your time is now.

You Are Here to Change the World

More than 2000 people have viewed this video and message. Please help me to get this into the hands and hearts of people around the world.
Please forward this on to those who are ready
to be awakened.

Thank you for your light...


Please Click Here if you are having trouble viewing the video
Supporting You on Your Journey
Book a Private Session
Over the Telephone

Panache isman on cell phone honored by your commitment to self realization and wants to support you fully on your path. In response to overwhelming requests, Panache offers one-hour private sessions over the telephone

The gift of this energy is not limited by space or time and those who have had the opportunity to work with Panache over the telephone have shared how deeply they have been impacted by the experience.

"Panache's energy, personality, spirit and delight comes through whether you work with him in person or by long distance," says Jan G.

Click on these links to learn more about Panache and his gift of energetic awakening.
Schedule Your Private Session Now
If you are interested in booking a private session, Please contact JC at info@panachedesai.com or call the office at 239 649-7373.
Inspirational Video                       

Like the concentric circles in a pond 
stretching outwards once the surface is pierced, you never know how far the ripples of kindness will extend.
St. Pete Wings
Are you ready to be inspired?
Pour yourself a cup of tea, take a deep breath and sit back. This very well done video is longer than we usually share, but it is definitely worth the investment of time. It will entertain you, bring joy to your heart and plant a seed of inspiration. 
You Do Make a Difference!
Your kind words and your loving expressions reverberate throughout our entire universe. Every time you make somebody smile, compliment someone, or simply acknowledge their innate divine beauty you are celebrating God in the highest.
Begin today. Spread your love. Plant the seed joy in all that you meet.  
Click on this link to watch validation.  
Contact Info
Panache Desai