Pause to reflect and feel the inner
peace that fills us anytime we
connect with the Divine Source
within us.
Our whole world begins to shift when
we take a few moments every day to
dip into the Peace and Harmony that
comes from connection and oneness
with all-that-is.
Blessings of Peace and Love,
Suzanne Champlin & Michael Milner
"When we
discover the divine Presence within
us, we begin to see our true sacred
self, our original nature and our
genuine inner teacher, and we are
freed from seeking something outside
of ourselves. We will cease giving
away our power, through an enslaving
dependence on external teachers,
groups, beliefs, practices, rituals
and places of power. We will stand
free in the realization of our own
inner divinity and enlightenment,
pouring out unconditional love,
compassion and grace to the world.
This is the Spiritual Heart of
Sunday at 2pm ET
we meet
in-person for an hour or so at Flowering Heart Center,
300 Feather Tree Drive, Clearwater,
Florida 33765 and live online via Zoom.
Book Club
- Our book club has an Interfaith focus on
Spirituality, Mysticism, Meditation &
Contemplative Prayer in various
Contemplative prayer is sometimes
referred to as “Resting in God” or
simply “Resting in
the Presence”.
Join anytime. Everyone is welcome!
March 2, 2025,
each week, before our Centering session, we will begin
discussing "Peace Pilgrim - Her
Life and Works in Her Own Words".
Relinquishing her name and possessions,
she stepped out on Jan. 1, 1953, wearing
a blue tunic imprinted with her new
identity: PEACE PILGRIM. For the next 28
years, she walked on foot, crisscrossing
North America, touching many thousands
of hearts, minds and lives as she walked
joyfully on her pilgrimage for peace.
Simply amazing!
The book is available for free
Please be sure to leave a love-offering
to support this amazing work.
Interfaith Centering Meditation
- Provides a weekly opportunity to
experience this wonderful spiritual
practice in the support of a group
setting. Each Sunday we will conclude
our meeting with 30 minutes of
Feel free to join the Centering Group anytime.
Prayer is an Interfaith Contemplative
Meditation practice that focuses on the
inner-divine, the God-within.
It is derived from the teachings of the
ancient middle eastern desert monks.
Today, Centering Prayer is being
practiced with profound results by
people of all faiths, including
Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists,
Hindus, Taoists, New-Age believers,
Pagans and more. No matter what
spiritual tradition you embrace, if you
are looking for a form of meditation
that focuses on the presence and action
of God-within and leads to divine-union,
Centering Prayer is a wonderful and
effective practice to explore!
is not something that can be achieved
through will, but rather is God’s gift.
It is the opening of mind and heart –
one’s whole being – to God.
Contemplative prayer is a process of
interior transformation. It is a
relationship initiated by God and
leading, if one consents, to divine
Healthy snacks & a light
vegetarian lunch will be
served Saturday & Sunday
NEW! Those who have attended
a previous Diamond Heart
process may repeat the
entire weekend for half
price! (details
What is Quantum Liberation?
When we speak of Quantum
Liberation, we are pointing to the
possibility of a sudden dramatic shift
of reality.
A Quantum leap is an abrupt change,
sudden increase, or dramatic advance.
Here is a simplified explanation of
quantum physics:
There is a field, the quantum field in
which all possibilities exist.
Belief causes the field to “collapse”
into manifesting.
A manifestation is not an immovable
So, one’s “Faith” or “intention” or
“feeling” can change what is
Basically, this is saying that all
things are possible but using scientific
Your Current Reality may be, “I am not
enlightened, or God realized.”
However, the Quantum Field includes a
possibility that you are awakened and
God Realized on some level, or can be,
immediately! Clear the limited thinking,
emotional charges & programming that
stand in the way, AND change your
belief, your faith, or your intention
and, ZAP, your reality/manifestation
shifts instantly. Now, you are a
“realized being”! SNAP! Just like that!
Our Intent for the Diamond Heart Retreat
is a quantum shift of reality for all
manifests when the limiting idea “I Know
it’s ‘out there’ somewhere, and someday
I might find it, or someone might give
it to me” becomes “It’s All Inside of
Me, Right Here, Right Now”, and I
embrace that reality!
Explore the Flowering Heart
Path with us. Experience
the Flowering Heart Blessing,
Diamond Heart Light Body Activation,
Quantum Awakening
& God Realization and the Flowering
Heart (Open Eye) Light Meditation.
We will use various Sacred
Processes, Teachings, Mantras &
Meditations that free us
from the reactive mind, negative
emotions & psychological
programming, to help us dive deeply
into the sacred space of the Heart,
unconditional love, higher
consciousness & oneness with the
divine. We will receive Grace to
tune us to the highest possible
frequency and to illuminate our
Spiritual Heart with the Diamond
Light of Love, Grace & Enlightened
Together we will make a
Quantum Leap deeply into the
Spiritual Heart. Here our
True Sacred Self, our Original
Nature of enlightened awareness,
clear intuition, wisdom,
unconditional love & genuine
connection with the inner Divine all
spring to life within us!
When we encounter and
embrace the divine spark within us, the
Diamond Heart is born (sometimes
called diamond body, rainbow body,
diamond vehicle, vajrayana, golden
flower, immortal embryo, merkaba and
many other names).
Our journey together will
include a Diamond Heart
Light Body activation, and
initiation as a Flowering Heart
Blessing Giver (Hridaya Vikasa
Diksha) with the ability to initiate
others as Blessing Givers and the
Flowering Heart (Open Eye) Light
The retreat will conclude
with an enormously powerful new
process called the Diamond Heart
Blessing Circle. During
this dynamic 108 minute process,
Blessings flow continuously through
everyone in the circle to burn
through mental blocks & emotional
charges, to tune us to the highest
possible frequency and to illuminate
our Spiritual Heart with the Diamond
Light of Love, Grace & Enlightened
The Flowering Heart Blessing
(Hridaya Vikasa Diksha) is
a powerful catalyst for
transformation. It is a transmission
of divine energy, grace and
enlightened consciousness that flows
directly from the divine source. It
is fully interfaith and does not
belong to any spiritual or religious
tradition, teacher, master,
organization or hierarchy. It is
free of cost and supports all paths.
This powerful blessing awakens
enlightened consciousness,
unconditional love, compassion and
connection with the divine within
one’s own spiritual heart, causing
it to flower in a beautiful process
of transformation.
When we discover the divine
Presence within us, we
begin to see our true sacred self,
our original nature and our genuine
inner teacher, and we are freed from
seeking something outside of
ourselves. We will cease giving away
our power, through an enslaving
dependence on external teachers,
groups, beliefs, practices, rituals
and places of power. We will stand
free in the realization of our own
inner divinity and enlightenment,
pouring out unconditional love,
compassion and grace to the world.
This is the Spiritual Heart of
us for the journey of a lifetime!
retreat will include:
Flowering Heart (open eye)
Light Meditation
Flowering Heart Blessings to
Awaken Divine Light & Love
in the Spiritual Heart
Diamond Heart Light Body
Tibetan Om Mani Peme Hung
Mantra Meditation
Meditations to raise
Kundalini (divine energy in
the body) & clear the
Processes to clear thoughts,
emotional charges &
psychological programming
Quantum Realization of
Divine Union & Enlightened
Activation/Initiation as a
Blessing Giver, to initiate
others & lead groups
The NEW “Diamond Heart
Blessing Circle” Process
…and much more
2 Day Spiritual Retreat 11am
Sat.-6pm Sun.
- Cost: $250
Healthy snacks & a light
vegetarian lunch will be served
Saturday & Sunday.
$125 for those who have
participated in a previous
Diamond Heart process and wish
to repeat the entire weekend.
Saturday 11AM–7PM
In-House Only
Sunday 11AM–6 PM
Only - Concludes with the Diamond Heart Blessing Circle
is to raise human
consciousness and bring
about the flowering of the
heart with unconditional
love and compassion in as
many people and as quickly
as possible, through a
powerful transmission of
spiritual energy and light
that flows directly from the
divine source. It belongs to
no tradition, hierarchy or
belief system. We call this
gift the Flowering Heart
Blessing (Sanskrit: Hridaya
Vikasa Diksha).
is usually given through the
laying on of hands, but it
can also be given at a
distance by intent during
prayer or meditation, and
some people (with the
calling and proper training)
are able to transmit it
directly through the eyes.
36 minute online class where you will be
initiated as a Flowering Heart Blessing
Receive the ability to give powerful
energy transfers for healing, awakening
& the Flowering of the Heart & be able
to activate others to do the same...
at no cost!
One participant commented:
you are not kidding about the Flowering
Heart initiation. I did it the other day
and the energy that flows from me has
grown exponentially! I love this
wonderful energy. Thank you so much!!!"
- RT, Largo. FL
have moved all of our online events
& video courses to Vimeo.
We are no longer using Livestream.
Please, take a moment to visit our
new Vimeo webpage
and click the "Follow" button in the
upper right corner, so we can keep
you informed.
If you have been
watching our free public events on
Facebook Live, nothing will change.
We have opened a specially consecrated
Healing Room!
Here we offer Energy Balancing & Healing
Sessions with Suzanne
(click here)
& Spiritual Guidance, Counseling
& Energy Sessions with Michael
(click here)
When you
visit the Healing Room,
you are
welcome to explore the potential
benefits of several special frequency
devices. We make no medical claims for
these devices, nor do we offer diagnoses
or treatments for any medical condition.
We offer these technologies to provide
the opportunity for you to treat
yourself to a deeply relaxing &
energizing experience.
& Belt
Combine 5 Therapies that
work together
1. PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field
2. Photon therapy
3. Far-infrared heat
4. Negative ions
5. Crystals- amethyst, tourmaline, jade (plus obsidian & quartz in the mat)
& MOPA Plasma Tube Frequency Generator
Generates all the frequencies discovered
by Dr. Royal Rife and other researchers
who have carried on his work to this
Frequency generators can be used legally
for investigational purposes, such as:
to experiment with energy balancing,
regulation of energy pathways,
relaxation and alpha entrainment, to
investigate frequency effects, etc. None
of these uses are intended as medical
requested donation for use of the mat,
belt or frequency generator is
$20 minimum.
To make
an appointment contact Suzanne
(727-458-3208) or Michael (727-686-3912)
Darshan is a Sanskrit word that means
the “sight,” “vision,” or “appearance”
of the Divine. While SATSANG means
gathering together with other spiritual
seekers, DARSHAN is finding what you
seek! It is literally BEING in the
physically tangible PRESENCE of the
Divine. "Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My
Name, I AM manifest, there in their
Anytime you have the opportunity to be
in the manifest Presence of the Divine,
you yourself are "seen" by the Divine,
and it imparts a Blessing of Grace &
Transformation that causes your
spiritual heart to flower & your life to
be transformed. The phenomenon of "being
seen by the Divine" is manifest whenever
we come together to invoke the Presence,
but especially during the Flowering
Heart Eye Blessing (Hridaya Vikasa
Nayana Deeksha)
The Pathless Path is the New Paradigm,
the True Path of Mastery!
Our passion is to help people discover
the inner strength, clarity & freedom to
follow their own unique path, to take
back their power & let go of excessive
dependence on outer spiritual forms &
teachers & structures. This frees us to
follow our own heart & be led by our own
inner Divinity, without unnecessary
external interference from gurus,
religions, spiritual organizations,
hierarchies, doctrines & rules. In this
way, we can be Sovereign, Sentient,
Divine Beings, which is our birthright.
This is the New Paradigm & the true path
of mastery.
All of our teachings, transmissions &
processes have this goal in mind.
From that place of personal empowerment
& freedom, we can all make a much more
valuable contribution to our spiritual
communities & maintain healthy
relationships with our spiritual
teachers & mentors.
Join a
thriving virtual community uniting
kindred spirits around the world
Interfaith Altar
International Holistic Spiritual Center
A safe and gentle place where people
come together... be liberated from the chatter and
interference of the mind, get in touch with their hearts and
allow them to blossom, become whole in spirit, soul, body
and relationships, discover unconditional Love, Joy
and Peace, be Awakened into Unity within
ourselves, with each other, with all of
and with the Divine
Presence, learn to Live fully, freely and in
spontaneous harmony with all that
exists, contribute to the Healing and
Awakening of the Collective of Humanity
and of the Earth itself. help
people with the challenging personal &
planetary shifts we are passing through
as we move into a new Global
Consciousness, recognizing that the most
important help for us and our loved
ones during the changes ahead will
be our own Flowering Hearts!
awakened you are, has your
heart flowered? Are you kind?
The outer world is a reflection of the
inner world. To change the world, you
must begin with yourself, with the the
flowering of the heart.
When we begin to accept ourselves
exactly as we are, experiencing the full
content of each moment without conflict
or resistance & join together around the
world with others whose hearts are
flowering, the Light of Infinite Love
will flood the Earth!"
- Michael
"A human being is a part of a whole,
called by us universe, a part limited in
time and space. He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feelings as something
separated from the rest... a kind of
optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for
us, restricting us to our personal
desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us. Our task must be
to free ourselves from this prison by
widening our circle of compassion to
embrace all living creatures and the
whole of nature in its beauty."