International Holistic Spiritual Center





Rev Suzanne Champlin

Spiritual Teacher & Counselor

Interfaith Minister

Divine Healer

Reiki Master



Rev Dr Michael Milner, PhD

Spiritual Teacher & Counselor

Awakened-Life Coach

Interfaith Minister

Taoist Priest

Abbot for the Seraphic Order


300 Feather Tree Drive
Clearwater, FL 33765

(727) 686-3912

(727) 458-3208




Guidelines for

Meditation in the Presence



Close your eyes, connect with the Presence and let go. Relax, float …dissolve. Whatever arises in your awareness (thoughts, emotions, sounds, sensations, images, visions, energy… any “thing”) accept it, gently release it, return to the Presence and let go...  


Too simple? Need more to do? OK... Read on.


Sit comfortably, with your back straight but not rigid. Close your eyes, center in your heart and breathe slowly and deeply. Keeping your eyes closed, pay attention to the incoming and outgoing breath. Let your exhale be twice as long as your inhale. When you notice your mind wandering, gently return your attention to the breath. Continue in "breath awareness" for a few minutes.


Now, keeping your eyes closed, open your heart to the Divine Presence in whatever form and in whatever way is natural and comfortable for you. Ask the Divine Presence to fill you and awaken you and to make your heart flower in Oneness with the Divine within you. Take a minute or so to receive the Divine energies and grace with gratitude to the Divine.


Don't be concerned about what you experience, what you do or do not feel. Just know that it's happening. The seed of awakening and the flowering of your heart has been planted in you, and it will unfold in a way and at a time that is just right for you.


Relax, float …dissolve in the Presence. Whatever arises in your awareness (thoughts, emotions, sounds, sensations, images, visions, energy… any “thing”) accept it, gently release it, return to the Presence and let go...  


You could remain sitting in silence (or lay on the floor in shavasana, that is on your back with your hands at your sides, palms facing skyward). Keeping your eyes closed, just relax, let go and enjoy resting in the Divine Presence for at least ten minutes (20 or more is better, but any time is good).


At the end, come out of your meditation very slowly before opening your eyes and moving. Give thanks to the Divine for blessing you, whether you felt anything special or not, and be in Gratitude. Enjoy!