Experience the Quickening!
Vikasa Deeksha)
Transfer of Spiritual Energy &
Healing, Awakening, the
Flowering of the Heart
& Unity with the Divine Within
Online Flowering Heart Blessing Giver
Click Here
awakened you are, has your
heart flowered? Are you kind?
The outer
world is a reflection of the inner
world. To change the world, you must begin with
yourself, with the flowering of the
When we
begin to accept ourselves exactly as we
are, experiencing the full content of
each moment without conflict or
resistance & join together around the
world with others whose hearts are
flowering, the Light of Infinite Love
will flood the Earth!" - Michael Milner
"A human being is a part of a whole,
called by us universe, a part limited in
time and space. He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feelings as something
separated from the rest... a kind of
optical delusion of his consciousness.
This delusion is a kind of prison for
us, restricting us to our personal
desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us. Our task must be
to free ourselves from this prison by
widening our circle of compassion to
embrace all living creatures and the
whole of nature in its beauty." -
Albert Einstein
A global shift in Human
Consciousness is taking place!
People everywhere are
awakening into higher states of
consciousness, and their hearts are
flowering with unconditional love and
compassion. They are realizing that all
feelings of separation are an illusion:
separation from others, separation from
nature, separation from the Source, from
Spirit. They are awakening to directly
experience living in connection, in
unity with each other and with all that
is, including unity with the Divine Presence. When
we awaken from the illusion of separate
existence and begin to experience reality as it
is, we are filled with bliss.
When we experience unity
within ourselves, conflict, resistance
and suffering end.
When we experience unity
with others, strife and war cease. When
we experience unity with nature, we no
longer do damage to the earth or the
environment. When we experience unity
with Spirit, with the Divine, religious
conflict on this planet will end, and our hearts
will flower
with unconditional love.
Awakening and the
flowering of the heart is a gift of
Grace. It is not earned or achieved. It
is given.
It may come after years
of seeking and spiritual practice. It
may come for no evident reason to those
who aren’t even looking for it. It may
come suddenly or gradually over many
years. Whenever it comes, it is a gift
of Divine Grace, a gift that may be
given in many ways.
One way
the Divine bestows this gift
is through direct transfer of spiritual
energy and consciousness from one person to another.
This phenomenon is often
called Blessing (Sanskrit, deeksha).
phenomenon of Blessing exists in all the
great spiritual traditions
under various names and forms including:
initiation, empowerment, the laying on
of hands, the release of the Holy
Spirit, kundalini awakening, shaktipat,
deeksha, eye blessing, reiki, Nui Gung Gee Liao, etc.
Without the Power of Blessing to
activate and energize them, spiritual
practices (like yoga, prayer, Ch'i Kung,
meditation and rituals) can be lifeless
and unproductive,
no matter how well they are done or for
how many years. It is the Grace and
Power of Blessing that unlocks the
potential of all spiritual practices and
makes them come alive.
Flowering Heart Blessing
is one such transfer of Grace.
It comes directly from Spirit and does
not belong to any religion or belief
system. It doesn’t matter what you
believe or don’t believe, if you are an
agnostic or an atheist. The Flowering
Heart Blessing will support whatever
path or tradition you follow. It costs
nothing. There is nothing to join, no
rules, no beliefs to accept, no teacher
or hierarchy to submit to. It is a free
gift from the Divine, a transfer of
sacred intelligent energy for healing,
higher consciousness, flowering of the
heart and awakening the Divine within
you. Come, experience the power of
the past, only highly evolved beings,
initiates and spiritual adepts could
give such a blessing. But now we live at
a time when anyone who offers themselves
as an instrument of Grace can instantly
experience the Power of Blessing flow
through them to others.
It doesn’t require any special
initiation. The all-knowing,
all-powerful, ever-present Spirit is
equally available to anyone, anywhere,
anytime. Your true self is the vortex of
power. Your spiritual heart is the
temple of transformation. The Divine
within you, your Higher Self already
living in your heart, is the Teacher you
seek. It is time to awaken to your true
mastery, to remember who you are, to
awaken to the Divine within.
Join us on this awesome
journey of Awakening and Transformation.
Flowering Heart is a
growing international community that brings people
together to foster holistic and
integrated spiritual growth, to help
them move into higher states of
consciousness and deeper connection with
the Divine within. We come from all
walks of life and all faith orientations
to share the Flowering Heart Blessing
and the grace of meditation during our
weekly gatherings. It doesn’t matter if
you are just a beginner or very
advanced, the Flowering Heart Blessing
will help take you to the next level of
growth on the never-ending path of
The Pathless Path of the Heart is the
New Paradigm, the True Path of Mastery!
Our passion is to help people discover
the inner strength, clarity & freedom to
follow their own unique path, to take
back their power & let go of excessive
dependence on outer spiritual forms &
teachers & structures. This frees us to
follow our own heart & be led by our own
inner Divinity, without unnecessary
external interference from gurus,
religions, spiritual organizations,
hierarchies, doctrines & rules. In this
way, we can be Sovereign, Sentient,
Divine Beings, which is our birthright.
This is the New Paradigm & the true path
of mastery. All of our teachings,
transmissions & processes have this goal
in mind. From that place of personal
empowerment & freedom, we can all make a
much more valuable contribution to our
spiritual communities & maintain healthy
relationships with our spiritual
teachers & mentors.
When you receive the Flowering Heart
Blessing, you are immediately activated
as a Flowering Heart Blessing Giver and
can give the Blessing to others.
We offer a FREE 36 minute Online
Blessing Giver Initiation.
Click Here for
"Wow, you
are not kidding about the Flowering
Heart initiation. I did it the other day
and the energy that flows from me has
grown exponentially! I love this
wonderful energy. I can't wait to
participate in your Ancestor course!
Thank you so much!!!" - RT, Largo. FL
OR, If
you want deeper instruction and
training you could take The Power
of Blessing Online Course.
For details,
Click Here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is
Flowering Heart Blessing different than
other forms of Blessing, like Oneness
A: Yes. There are many wonderful forms
of Blessing (Sanskrit, deeksha, spiritual energy
transfer). What distinguishes Flowering
Heart Blessing (Sanskrit,
Hridaya Vikasa Deeksha)
is that it focuses
primarily on the Flowering of the Heart
with unconditional love and the
awakening and deepening of your
connection with the Divine within. Unity
with the Divine being the aim, other
benefits (like physical healing, higher
states of consciousness, awakening and
enlightenment, healing of relationships,
miracles, etc.) are a very natural and
normal outcome of the path to Divine
Q: Is Flowering Heart Blessing also for
awakening, transformation and
A: Yes. Unity with the Divine is the
core of the Flowering Heart Blessing,
and merging with the Divine results in
the disappearance of self and any
experience of separation from the
All-That-Is. That is awakening in the
fullest sense.
I give another form of Blessing or
energy transfer (it could be Oneness
Deeksha, Sai Ma Deeksha,
Reiki, Gifts of the Holy
Spirit through the Laying on of
Hands, etc.). According to your
description, Flowering Heart
Blessing is different from other
forms of Blessing, but it is also
given by laying your hands on the
top of the recipient's head; so I
have two questions:
Q 1: Will
I be able to differentiate between
Flowering Heart Blessing and the
other forms of Blessing I give?
A: Yes. Flowering Heart Blessing has
a distinctive feeling, going
straight into the spiritual heart
and radiating out from there through
one's entire being. You will
probably clearly feel the difference
between this and other forms of
Blessing when giving or receiving
it. Even if you don't feel the
difference, if you are activated to
give more than one kind of Blessing,
the intent you take when giving a
Blessing will determine which kind
flows through you at any given time,
so they will not become confused or
mixed together. We recommend only
giving one kind of Blessing at a
time, and telling the receiver
exactly which they are receiving. In
this way each tradition and form of
Blessing is honored and remains
Q 2:
Is there a conflict between
Flowering Heart Blessing and other
kinds of Blessing, so
whoever has been initiated to
give this Blessing will have to
choose one and stop practicing the
A: No. All true Blessings and gifts of
Grace come from the same Divine Source,
so there is no conflict or competition
between them at all. If you begin to
give Flowering Heart Blessing, you do
not need to stop giving Reiki or Oneness
Blessings or Christian Healing, etc. For
example: If I take up yoga, I don't need
to stop doing Ch'i Kung, or going to my
church or temple. I just don't do them
all at the same time. If I start taking
B vitamins, I don't need to stop taking
vitamin A, etc.
Q: How can I become a Flowering Heart
Blessing Giver?
A: When you receive the Flowering Heart
Blessing, you are immediately activated
as a Flowering Heart Blessing Giver and
can give the Blessing to others.
If you feel
that you need more instruction and
training you could take The Power
of Blessing Online Course.
For details,
Click Here.
OR we highly recommend the FREE Online
Blessing Giver Initiation (36 min.
"Wow, you are not
kidding about the Flowering Heart
initiation. I did it the other day and
the energy that flows from me has grown
exponentially! I love this wonderful
energy. I can't wait to participate in
your Ancestor course! Thank you so
much!!!" - RT, Largo. FL
For details,
Click Here
Q: Will
I be able to activate others to give
this Blessing?
A: Yes. When someone receives this
Blessing from you, they will immediately
be activated as a Flowering Heart
Blessing Giver. Also, anyone they give
the Blessing to will be activated to
give it. To receive Flowering Heart
Blessing is to be activated as a
Blessing Giver who can both give the
Blessing and activate others to give it.
Q: What
kinds of Blessings will we be able to
give? Will we be able to give eye
A: You will be activated to give
blessings to others by the laying on of
hands and at a distance by intention.
Activation as a Flowering Heart Blessing
Giver does not enable you to give eye
blessings. Only the Divine itself can
select and activate certain individuals
to give blessings through the eyes. This
is discussed in more detail in The Power
of Blessing Online Course.
Q: How
is Flowering Heart Blessing given? Does
someone put their hand directly on your
chest? Does their hand hover over your
heart? Is it transmitted through eye
A: We give it by lightly laying our
hands on the top of the head. It goes
straight through the crown chakra into
the heart and radiates out from there
into the whole body and being. If you
know someone well enough, you could put
your hand on their chest. There are no
rules. However, only someone who has
been empowered by the Divine to give eye
blessings could give the Flowering Heart
Blessing through the eyes. It's up to
the Divine to do that.
Q: What
is the source of the Flowering Heart
Flowering Heart Blessing comes directly
from Spirit as an unconditional gift to
all of Humanity. It does not come
through any particular deity, teacher,
tradition, or belief system.
It doesn’t matter what you believe or
don’t believe, if you are an agnostic or
an atheist. The Flowering Heart Blessing
will support whatever path or tradition
you follow. It will grace and empower
whatever spiritual practices you already
use. There is nothing to join, no rules,
no beliefs to accept, no teacher,
hierarchy or program to submit to. It is
a free gift from the Divine, no strings
Q: What is meant by " The Flowering of
the Heart"?
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