International Holistic Spiritual Center



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About Us/Contact Info




Rev Suzanne Champlin

Spiritual Teacher & Counselor

Interfaith Minister

Divine Healer

Reiki Master



Rev Dr Michael Milner, PhD

Spiritual Teacher & Counselor

Awakened-Life Coach

Interfaith Minister

Taoist Priest

Abbot for the Seraphic Order


300 Feather Tree Drive
Clearwater, FL 33765

(727) 686-3912

(727) 458-3208




Our Teachers



I have been fortunate over the last 50 years to personally spend time with and receive direct teachings and spiritual transmissions from a number of enlightened teachers, masters and saints. The list includes: My first teacher, Taoist Master Share K. Lew; Siddha Yogi, Swami Muktananda; Tibetan Lama, Kalu Rinpoche; Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin; Father Thomas Keating; Panache Desai; Sai Maa, and others...




There are also those who have inspired, watched over and guided me from the spiritual world: first of all, Bodhisattva Quanyin (who gave me my first experience of the Divine Feminine), St. Francis, St. Paul, Neem Karoli Baba, Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus), Lu Dong Pin (immortal founder of the Taoist Elixir School, Tao Ahn Pai), Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Paramahansa Yogananda, Sri Yukteshwar, Ramana Maharshi and many others. I am so grateful for all of them.



And I am supremely grateful for the miraculous intervention of my Lord, Jesus Christ, who has manifested in my life, over and over again, and for the Grace He has given me to experience His direct Presence. He is the shepherd of my soul, with whom I have a deep eternal bond and to whom I have consecrated my life and ministry. Helping people Awaken to the Cosmic Christ, the Paramatma, the Divine Radiance Within their hearts, is my life's purpose, and I have dedicated several pages to that on this website (see the Seraphic Order).




That said, I want to express gratitude for Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan. I am fortunate to have had private darshan over the years with both of them. For ten years, Suzanne and I travelled to India more than a dozen times to receive from their presence, teachings, and spiritual transmissions and to undergo advanced spiritual processes for Awakening & God Realization. Here is a link to download a pdf file containing "Awakening to Oneness With All That Is", a 373 page compendium of the teachings of Sri Amma Bhagavan, an excellent resource. Click Here To Download Click Here.


Sri Bhagavan & Sri Amma


Now, Suzanne and I have answered the call of our hearts to fly free, to follow the pathless path. We serve Humanity and the Divine now as spiritual teachers in our own right, and in doing so, we draw upon the wisdom we have received from many masters & traditions. We express that now through our own teachings, life experiences and personal realizations. But we will always be especially grateful for the treasures we have received from all of our teachers.


Our passion is to help people discover the inner strength, clarity & freedom to follow their own unique path, to take back their power & let go of excessive dependence on outer spiritual forms & structures. This frees us to follow our own heart & to be led by our own inner Divinity, without unnecessary external influences & interference. In this way, we can be Sovereign, Sentient, Divine Beings, which is our birthright. This is the New Paradigm & the true path of mastery.



My Oneness Journey (High Def)


About the experiences of Rev. Dr. Michael Milner, Ph.D.,

by video photographer Jegom Guess.

Link to download the video: MilnerCam01Cut01_640x360.mp4